Creative Visualization & Memory Power
Retail Price: $67.00 Discount Price: $67.00
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Product Category: Spiritual
Product Sub-Category: Spiritual > Metaphysical
Product Details:
Visualization is the most powerful tool there is for bringing about results in your life. You will never succeed beyond the size of your vision. To achieve success in any area of your life, you must first be able to see yourself succeeding.This is perhaps the one common thread linking great business successes, artists, scientists, athletic champions and other achievers. The single most important skill needed to achieve your dreams is the ability to have a clear, detailed image of yourself as you want to be.To help you develop fast and total recall, this program combines four powerful subconscious programming techniques, including Relaxation, Visualizations, Mind-Talk Positive Affirmations, and Subliminal Perception. This easy-to-follow course provides a wide variety of exercises and relaxation sessions to strengthen your powers of visualization, memory and concentration. The power of visualization and focused thought–which you will gain through this program–will enrich every aspect of your life€“business, social, health, and spiritual.You will learn: How to powerfully increase your ability to concentrate How to release memory blocks & sharpen your memory powers How to focus clearly on and set attainable goals How to develop your ability to clearly visualize yourself as successful How to develop dynamic willpower to achieve your desires How to open the flow of creative inspiration How to open your innate abilities for more clever and innovative ideasThis unique program goes far beyond other mental development courses. Not only does it provide easy, step-by-step techniques, it also works directly with your subconscious mind where everything you’ve learned and experienced is stored.Program Contents:Program 1: Creativity & Visualization Discussions & Guided Visualizations.Program 2: Discussions and guided visualizations to strengthen concentration.Program 3: Discussions, Practice Sessions & Guided Visualizations.Program 4: Stimulating Creativity. Creative Problem Solving. You Inner Advisor.Program 5: Power of Visualization. Positive Affirmations for Creativity.Program 6: Memory Power. Engage the Power of Your Subconscious.Program 7: Mind-Talk – Memory Improvement & Powerful Concentration.Program 8: *Subliminal Memory Improvement.Program 9: **Subliminal Increase Concentration.Program 10: Mind-Talk for Laser Power Concentration.Program 11: Learning Master & Mental Empowerment.Program 12: Memory Power (Mind-Talk with Male and Female Voices)Bonus ProgramsPowerful Memory – Guided VisualizationQuickBreak Guided Visualization: Sharpen Your MemoryQuickBreak Guided Visualization: Recalling DetailsGuided Visualization: Healthy Brain Development for Memory & Creativity* Program 8 – Memory Improvement Subliminal:Sample Affirmations: My ability to remember and recall is increasing daily. I have a strong and powerful memory. Details, facts, and figures come easily to mind when wanted or needed. The more I remember, the more interesting life becomes. My mind is like a vast library of stored information that is easily retrieved, recalled, and remembered. It is easyfor me to remember desired information. Plus many more. A full script of all subliminal messages is provided with the course.** Program 9 – Increased Concentration Sharpen mental focusSample of Subliminal Affirmations My ability to focus my mind is powerful. My concentration is perfect. I have a strong sense of control. I reject undesired thoughts and powerfully focus on what I want to. My concentration is constant and focused. My concentration powers increase tremendously. My mind automatically focuses on the subject at hand. My mind effortlessly stays focused on whatever is desired. My concentration is constant and focused. I have enormous concentration ability. Plus many more.Now with our Creative Visualization & Memory Power you will be taught how to master this all-important life skill, and effortlessly release the memory power locked in your subconscious mind. Without using tedious drills or rote exercises, you will learn how to directly access your subconscious memory banks.