Diksha, Deeksha, Distance Healing, Oneness Blessing, Counseling
Solomon is a Deeksha / Oneness Blessing, Distance Healing, Intuitive Guide & Counselor who was trained by Sri Amma & Sri Bhagavan.
OM is the basic vibration of the cosmic universe WHAT IS HEALING? Contrary to popular understanding, healing is not simply the removal of symptoms.
Heals the Sick from long distances.
Healers with God given gifts to Heal & See offer long distance healing & spiritual guidance sessions.
Reiki, Counseling, Distance Healing, Energy Healing and Enrichment
Lorelynn Mirage Cardo, Ph D, and Certified Reiki Master, offering full range of Reiki, Karuna, matrix healing, counseling services, distance healing, energy work sessions and
Distance Energy Healing – NMT
Distance Noetic Field Therapy (Energy Healing) and NeuroModulaton Technique (NMT) by phone. Living beings are permeated and surrounded by a universal energy field or aura.
Contact and Distance Healing Treatments, Therapy, Help And Information
Contact and Distance Healing treatments, therapy, help and information. Info and advice on Contact and Distance Healing treatments
Distance Healing
A technique known as therapeutic touch, prayer on someone’s behalf and other kinds of Originally Released: June 5, 2000 Contact: Larry Roberts, lroberts@som.umaryland.edu , 410