Archive for August, 2005

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Communication Problems In Relationships

If you are praying daily for wisdom, for peace, a fuller realization of Truth, for happiness and that which you are praying for is still far from you, then you are praying for one thing while living out in thought and action something else. Begin to think and act in the spirit of that which you seek, and expect it. You will day by day begin to experience the reality of what you are asking for, so that ultimately you will become one with them.

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Color And Healing

Understand that you are not your fears or your beliefs or your limitations. These are ideas that you are holding on to. Once you allow this awareness to permeate within you, you have then arrived at the place where you can decide to let them go or not. AS you begin to meditate on the truth of who you are, to understand yourself, you will begin to let go of your ideas of who you are. You will begin to question your motives, thoughts, and acts, and to look upon them with calmness and nonjudgment. You will then begin to gain more mental and spiritual balance, and experience being in harmony with all of life.

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Cash Riches From Home

When this point is reached many have gone down to their knees and surrendered, praying to a force greater than them to intervene.

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Building Trust In Relationships

If you have to begin your day at a very early hour, and find it a challenge to give the early morning to meditation, try giving some time at night. If this too is not practical due to your tiredness or your circumstances, don’t give up, as you can also meditate by bringing your awareness to that which you wish to meditate on, during the intervals of your work day. In every life there is time to think with awareness, and the busiest of people, are not shut out from the attainment of peace.

Thursday, August 11th, 2005

Baggage Past Relationship

Lets say you are experiencing the fear of not having enough money, then you could say, “I surrender this fear of lack to the Divine within me and I go free in profound Grace into abundance.”

Monday, August 8th, 2005

Baggage And Marriage

As you understand, realize, and rely upon, these principles, you will acquire spiritual power, and this power will be manifested in and through you in the form of increasing detachment, patience and calmness.

Monday, August 8th, 2005

Antifreeze Suicides

As you realize the divine Love, the divine Justice, the divine Purity, the Perfect Law of Good, or God, your experience of bliss and peace will be profound. Old things and ideas will cease to exist for you, and all things will appear new. The veil of the material universe will be lifted and the spiritual universe will be revealed. Time will cease, and you will live only in Eternity.

Monday, August 8th, 2005

Alternative Wellness Listings

These words can be adapted to words that resonate for you. I like saying, “I surrender this feeling/thought/belief/conditioning (inserting whatever is being experienced in that moment) to the Divine within me, and I walk free in profound Grace.”

Monday, August 8th, 2005

Alternative Healing Schools

To grow in self-control, in patience, in calmness, is to grow in quiet strength and power; and you can only grow this way by focusing your consciousness upon a principle. Break away from the confines of tradition, conventionality, and the opinions of others, until you succeed in walking the path of your truth. Rely upon your own judgment; be true to your own conscience; follow the Light that is within you.

Monday, August 8th, 2005


All this release begins to occur without the rational mind having to process anything.