Oligo DX Cellulite Reducing Gel, Cellulite Treatment, Free Shipping


Retail Price: $46.20
Your Special Price: $38.50

Product Category: Weight Loss
Product Sub-Category: Fat Loss Cream Gel

Product Details:
While there is no cure for cellulite, Oligo DX can help dramatically improve the appearance of affected skin within just 1 week of use! Oligo DX® is a breakthrough medication intended for the treatment of cellulite. An array of over-the-counter products, including skin creams and herbal remedies, claim to make cellulite disappear from women’s thighs, hips and buttocks. But most of those concoctions fall short of delivering on their promise of erasing the unsightly dimpled skin. Oligo.DX® is a medication that truly delivers on the promise of cellulite treatment creams – after just 1 week of use all doubts simply get replaced with amazement at the scope of the results. Backed up by serious pharmaceutical research and clinical studies, Oilgo DX is a true break through and is absolutely guaranteed to improve the appearance of cellulite. The Proof: How do you know its working? The first thing you will notice immediately after you start your treatment with Oligo.DX® is that you will need to urinate more often and your urine will be darker in color, this mean that your body is eliminating toxins and stored fat deposits. Other then that, cellulite simply starts to melt away with dramatic results after just one week of use and continued improvement week after week. An intelligent cosmetic: Nanosomes No matter what the ingredients are in your favorite over-the-counter cellulite cream or how sophisticated the formula, it won’t have any effect on cellulite if these ingredients cannot reach the subcutaneous skin layer, where cellulite occurs. All of the active ingredients in Oligo.DX® are encapsulated in Nanosomes, organic micros-spheres that are 200 times smaller then human cells. These Nanosomes merge with cellular membranes and penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin to release the active ingredients. Essentially, all you need to understand is that other cellulite creams cannot effectively penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue and Oligo.DX can, where it works its magic on cellulite. Oligo DX® Key Features: Pleasant to use; the gel is fresh, pleasant, and super concentrated Breaks down fat without the need for massage Has a cleansing and detoxifying affect, improving over-all skin health Nearly 89% of users experience a rapid and dramatic reduction in the appearance of cellulite and over 90% of users keep using it. Nanosome technology allows similar effectiveness to micro-injection therapy. Excellent value for the price Oligo DX® Other Ingredients: Water, Nanosomes of Centella Asiatica, Caffeine, Ivy and Marine Algae, Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Methyl Paraben and Fragrance Directions: Intensive use: Apply to the desired areas once a day after bathing. There is no need to massage. For more visible results, continue the treatment for at least 60 days. Preventive use: Use two to three times a year, applying daily for a period of 30 days. Note: * Women using Oligo.DX® may experience increased urination during treatment. ** You should avoid the use of all moisturizers and moisturizing soaps during your treatment with Oligo DX®. Oligo DX Cellulite Reducing Gel FAQ Q: How long does it take for the first results to appear? A: Changes in the skin’s texture can be seen in the first week of treatment. The skin becomes smoother. In most cases, by the end of the first month many women are able to notice the results, including a slimmer appearance. The average recommended period is two months of daily treatment, although if you wish to continue for a longer period of time there are no restrictions. Q: Can Oligo DX® Cellulite Reducing Gel be used for massaging? A: Yes it can, although Oligo DX® was not intended for massages as it is absorbed very quickly by the skin. Q: Are results achieved more quickly if the gel is used more than once a day? A: Due to the use of micro spheres, Oligo DX® acts continually for 12 to 15 hours. Therefore it only needs to be applied once a day to obtain excellent results in a short period of time. Q: How is Oligo DX® effective without massaging? A: Massaging is not necessary because the micro spheres help the active ingredients to reach the skin’s deepest layers quickly. Q: Can cellulite or localised fat return once treatment is stopped? A: Oligo DX® ensures prolonged results, although a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, and an unbalanced diet mean that they can return. Q: How long does it take to eliminate cellulite? A: Most women obtain satisfactory results after 45 to 60 days of continuous treatment. Cellulite is however eliminated gradually and the length of treatment needed varies greatly depending on the individual. Q: Can Oligo DX® be used on the face? A: No. The face is more sensitive than the rest of the body. The gel has been specially developed for use on the body and not on the face. Q: Why do some people become slimmer more quickly than others? A: This happens because every human body responds in a different way and at different rates. In the same way, people with more localised fat tend to become slimmer more quickly than those with less. Q: Why is it more difficult to get the abdomen back into shape than other parts of the body? A: Because it is an area of the body with a large amount of muscles where flabbiness can occur easily as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, surgery or pregnancy. In most cases the abdominal region suffers from flabbiness and not from a localised build up of fat, although flabbiness is often confused with fat. This is why many people don’t become slimmer around the waist when they diet. Q: After starting treatment with Oligo DX® I began to pass water more frequently and noticed that the urine was darker. Is this normal? A: Yes, this is normal. As a result of the draining effect caused by the Oligo DX®, toxins, retained liquids and digested fat are eliminated naturally in the urine, resulting in the need to urinate more frequently and/or a change in its color. Q: Why should I avoid using body moisturisers, such as moisturising soap, on the areas to be treated? What type of soap is best to use? A: According to recent studies, moisturising products leave a residue in the skin that interferes with the absorption of the liposome micro spheres thereby reducing its efficiency. Neutral soap, or soap containing glycerine and any soap that does not contain moisturizer are recommended. Q: Does Oligo DX® help with weight loss? A: The gel is a great ally in the fight against cellulite and localised fat, and this helps to improve the figure, but on its own it is not sufficient to ensure weight loss. The gel principally helps to burn localised fat that diets and/or exercise tend not to remove (e.g. on the back, stomach, knees… ) and so it avoids the need to use other more aggressive methods such as liposuction. Q: Does Oligo DX® cause any type of allergy or irritation? A: Oligo DX® is hypoallergenic, which means that it does not cause allergic reactions in most people. If irritation should occur, stop using the lotion and seek medical advice. Q: The second time I bought the Gel I noticed that it was a different colour. Is this normal? A: Yes, this is normal. The plant extracts may vary in colour depending on when they are harvested. Colour changes may be more noticeable in our products due to the high concentration of plant extracts and the fact that no colouring is used in them. Q: Does Oligo DX® have any contra-indications? A: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use Oligo DX®. Q: Why does Oligo DX® relieve aches and pains in the legs? A: Because it stimulates both blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the body, reducing the accumulation of liquid, providing relief to the legs.

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